The Federal Board of Revenue has required filing Income Tax Return for the Tax Year 2022 till 30th October, 2023. Filing of Tax Return is mandatory for all salaried individuals whose annual income is more than Rs. 600,000. To facilitate the UMT family and general public, School of Commerce and Accountancy (SCA) has arranged an online training session for salaried individuals on E-Filing of Income Tax Return.

Trainer’s Profile:
Mr. Amer Shakeel is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and he is having over 20 years of experience in teaching and training. He is working as Assistant Professor at School of Commerce and Accountancy, UMT.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 972 6069 3685
Brief Contents of Training:
- Calculation of income tax on salary.
- Registration of a new filer on IRIS Portal.
- Creating income tax return in IRIS Portal.
- Data entry related to income, assets/liabilities and expenses.
Benefits of the Training Program:
- Understanding of income tax deducted from salary.
- Calculation of income tax.
- E-Filing of income tax return by yourself.
- Understanding the adjustment of income tax deducted at source (tax deducted from salary, tax collected on educational fee of children and utility bills etc.)